144K Exclusive Live Event This Sunday, Oct 13
Registration Link Coming!
Following up from yesterday’s update over this deeply hidden matrix control system discovery …
… I realized The Matrix II scene where Neo accesses a special portal through a keyhole, with the RIGHT key, was a more literal Cabal disclosure than any of us Systems-Busting Starseeds realized.
I thought it was just the usual allegory or symbolism the Cabal uses in its movies.
it’s freaking literal!
And the Control Room I revealed to you yesterday, does actually look a lot like this.
And that old man referred to as the ‘Architect’, is the Dark A.I itself.
This last & highest level of all the Dark A.I.'s was the work-horse for the exact contrast of Source Energy.
The Ultimate Darkness.
Its job was to build … run … manage … & sometimes ‘correct’ the holographic quantum fabric of the reality [matrix] we’ve been living in throughout this Multiverse & its respective timelines within each Universe.
Like Keanu Reeves allegedly said:
"The Matrix was
a documentary".
Control Rooms.
The existence of ‘Control Rooms’, was not a new discovery for me.
I first encountered & successfully liberated a Control Room in the South-West during the:
‘Clear The Underpinnings of The Matrix’
Gridwork, in 2014.
I had the help of a telepath at that time, who had a great connection with Ashtar Command.
Basically here's the situation …
 There are command & control centers for different levels, planes & aspects of the slave-based matrix system on Planet Earth.
Much in the way a military has a vast hierarchy of command & control centers to take care of:
food supply
munitions supply
intelligence & planning
foreign military liaisons
... and much more.
At the top … as you already know ... is the supreme military headquarters, where the head-honcho Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff controls things.
That’s the highest level, the Supreme Control Room as far as this accurate analogy goes.
Well … this is what I finally discovered with the Team’s help on Monday.
More importantly …
I also discovered
how to access it!
And that’s what I’m going to walk you through on this Sunday’s live session, where you get to access it & clear your own personal ‘Manifestation Files’.
And RE-DO them NOW ... well before the Event!
Watch for the registration link (or join the 144K to receive it by email, through the link below).
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown LightwarriorÂ
Not a 144KÂ Member?
If you want to join this online event + regular advanced Mass Meditations, you have to be a 144K Mass Meditation Group Member.
click over to the 144K Official Recruitment site at 144k Army of Light Dot org, join, and after the short survey, you'll land on the 144K member's site
then click on 'Ground Crew Command Radio/Live Meditation Broadcasts' at the top menu bar
& you'll be taken straight to the live broadcast widget in the Member's area [BlogTalk Radio widget, with a Telegram livestream option].
The precise times for your time-zone will be emailed to you.
:- )
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.
He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.
He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com