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Official 144K Starseed Group Blog

... free the planet ... heal humanity ... reach the stars!

March 19/20 Equinox Meditation Tonight: Get 3X & 5X more out of coming Lunar & Solar Eclipses!

Writer's picture: The Unknown LightwarriorThe Unknown Lightwarrior

Tue/Wed Equinox 144K Mass Meditation Links Below !


Just imagine for a moment ... that you participated with a Starseed Group who cleared the last remaining blocks to the same cosmic energies that astronauts report about as feeling 'euphoric' once they leave earth's atmosphere (the Veil) ...


... not long after the April 8 Eclipse!


Imagine you were one of the elite vanguard Starseeds, who led humanity OUT of slavery!!


Imagine (and I mean this!) ... you played the instrumental role in precipitating the last remaining actions by the Earth Alliance in shutting down or altering the physical grid (cell towers, Wifi, smart-meters, etc) ... that honored & allowed for these cosmic energies to reach the surface ...


... for final Energy Liberation?


The Event becomes even more imminent, and the wait is no longer unbearable.



The astrology for this Equinox, Lunar Eclipse & Solar Ecipse is off the charts ... and I'll be speaking about that on Ground Crew Command with an astrologer in early April!

Moreover ... to kick the Eclipse show on the road (literally, as Air BnB costs have shot through the roof anywhere on the eclipse path to 1k a night) I'll also be making the 2024 Timeline To Planetary Liberation eBook available by donation, (as little as $5)!


Let's make that break for freedom, beginning with final victory over ENERGY.


The prerequisite to physical victory!


Not a 144K Member?

If you want to join this online event + regular advanced Mass Meditations, you have to be a 144K Mass Meditation Group Member.

  1. click over to the 144K Official Recruitment site, join, and after the short survey, you'll land on the 144K member's site

  2. then click on 'Ground Crew Command Radio/Live Meditation Broadcasts' at the top menu bar

  3. & you'll be taken straight to the live broadcast widget in the Member's area [BlogTalk Radio widget, with a Telegram livestream option].

The precise times for your time-zone will be emailed to you.

:- )

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior

The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.

He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.

He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com

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