144K Support For Starseeds Active
In Planetary Liberation
[next Mass Meditations Times/Links are coming]
The Overland Campaign,
for it to ALL finally collapse.
[the dark/false slavery matrix]
Now that you know the nature & genius behind the Overland Campaign from my previous report and yesterday's mass meditation (genius resides in simplicity - as Einstein said) ... here's the two tools you can easily get down to 5 mins/day once you know the steps.
They're old tried-&-true powerhouse tools that 144K Veterans are familiar with.
They've never failed to upgrade timelines - at the scariest, most morbid & heaviest moments of our recent past.
They have even seemed to improve my personal timeline, since I've been doing them starting around January 8th.
Furthermore ...
... they're great for getting the fires in L.A under control as one of the many downstream benefits of using these tools.
But truth-be-told ... L.A, especially the elite areas that are burned or burning, was very much the 'Devil's Den' (child trafficking, Satanism, etc) ... because it's on a powerful Goddess vortex.
Very much a Cabal stronghold.
And energetically ... fire is also a purifier. That's one of its esoteric properties.
So much so, that an old esoteric tool for clearing your aura was standing close to a fire & then also moving your arms & feet over it.
Which is not to say that people aren't suffering...
They are... and it's our job to put a stop to it!
This Overland Campaign is KEY in ensuring Compression Breakthrough by Jan 21st, or (if the planet isn't ready) well before the March Equinox!

Believe me, it'll make a world of a difference.
We just have to maintain the pressure in a way we can individually sustain ... and it'll all cave in!
Here's the link to the Download Page for the free guided audios for these two powerhouse tools!
Below are the transcripts, if you prefer to read them, as some of you are smarty-pants readers, like my wife ... lol.
And yes ... our Full Moon 144K Meditation yesterday was HIGHLY successful.
So much so, that something lifted or got removed late last night, causing a brief lash-back/kick-up of darkness as a result of this planetary release, which you might have felt or experienced ... if you were around others.
More intel from our crushing weight being thrown into the mix on the Full Moon of Jan 13th is incoming....
The Arcturian Blow-Torch Method
(excuse my Arcturianism :- )
1) Put your phone on airplane mode, then hit the timer for 5:30 mins.
2) See Earth at a distance & notice both polar ice-caps, the clouds over the blue oceans & a continent or two.
3) Call upon your I-AM Presence & see a huge ball of intense Light way over to the left of Gaia.
4) Pull in a bright, intense beam of Light from your I-AM into & through Gaia, making sure to include the low-earth orbit area.
5) Call upon Source itself.
6) See Source as cloud of Magenta above you & pull down an 'intensely dissolving' beam of Magenta into & through Gaia ... making sure to include low-earth orbit.
7) See Gaia & her outer auric layers (low-earth orbit) engulfed & disappearing into super-bright and never-ending convulsing white flashes of Light.
8) Now shift focus onto the 4D [Density].
9) Hold some consciousness on the quantum & sub-quantum anomaly, the Lurker & negative plasma entities of all shapes & sizes ... being transmuted or simply dissolving in the Light ... mostly between Earth's crust & atmosphere.
10) Now increase the inertia of both beams on the 4D, so nothing escapes.
11) A minute later, increase the inertia of both beams on the 3D (where we are), so nothing escapes.
12) Maintain this intensity, (it makes all the difference) by holding visual focus on the overwhelming brightness of the constant flashing of Light where the two beams intersect. Thus, you can't see Gaia.
13) Maintain some consciousness on the quantum & sub-quantum anomaly, the Lurker & negative plasma entities of all shapes & sizes ... being transmuted or simply dissolving in the Light ... mostly between Earth's crust & the stratosphere.
14) Once your timer goes off, you're done.
15) Finish off your visualization by calling back your tracks [you can verbally command this as well] or by visually sweeping a wave of violet light through Gaia and throughout the entire field.
You've just shifted the timelines & quickened Planetary Liberation!
And if you need variety ... or a break from doing the same thing each morning, here's ...
TOOL #2:
The I-AM Behemoth, Method
Once you learn this method by memory (where you won't need my guidance), you'll be able to do it in 5 mins for each Density (4th & 3rd Density only).
Doing both, does bring it to 10mins total, but it's well worth it!
1) Put your phone on airplane mode, then hit the timer for 5:30 mins.
2) See Earth at a distance & notice both polar ice-caps, the clouds over the blue oceans & a continent or two.
3) Call upon your I-AM Presence & see a huge ball of intense Light way above Gaia.
4) Place Gaia in a white quarantine sphere, extending up to low earth orbit.
5) Turn Gaia into a single color that to you represents Omnipresence, for the 4D.
6) From Omnipresence (which you're connected with because of the presence of your I-AM) command or simply shift visual focus on the exposure of all quantum anomaly, sub-quantum anomaly, Lurker consciousness & dark plasma entities on the 4D.
All of Gaia, up to the stratosphere & near the edge of the white quarantine sphere is now just one black sphere, with a thin dark-grey edge.
7) Begin to move your I-AM - that's way above (as big as the sun) slowly & gently closer and closer toward the north pole, but still at quite a distance away - because its power is otherwise too overwhelming.
8) Begin to see the outward emanation of movements of waves from the center of the north pole, moving downward toward the equator, as all the aforementioned darkness starts to pertubate (get 'ruffled' up).
9) Now see the intense, bright flashing of White Transmutational Light in the center of the north pole stratosphere area, starting to make its way toward the surface of the north pole, and transmuting everything in its path.
10) See this intense confrontation between the outer field of your I-AM and all the aforementioned darkness, as bright intense white light, but with the white light moving downward & outward, with the darkness losing ground.
11) See the white transmutational light reach the surface of the 4D physical plane & a Holographic Goddess Light Blue beginning to emerge in the center, which is the surface of the north pole.
12) While holding some consciousness on clearing the Lurker consciousness, quantum & sub-quantum anomaly & dark plasma entities on the 4D ... swiftly extend the outer field edge of your I-AM Presence through the northern hemisphere, with primary focus on Earth's crust, surface & entire atmosphere ... by seeing an intense white transmutational boundary or ring of sorts, move through the whole of Earth's crust & atmosphere, leaving behind a cleared wake in the form of a baby blue color.
13) Proceed to do this throughout the southern hemipshere, until the white transmutational bright white ring reaches the south pole, leaving behind only the baby-blue Goddessy color of a cleared 4D Gaia.
14) Repeat the above from point #6 onwards, but for the 3D.
Be aware, clearing the 3D will take an extra minute, and visual focus must be maintained at all times, because you're now clearing the same density & plane you're projecting your consciousness from.
15) Finish off your visualization by calling back your tracks [you can verbally command this as well] or by visually sweeping a wave of violet light through Gaia and throughout the entire field.
So precise & non-ADD focus is needed to maintain your natural God-like powers.
Well done Dear One!
You're rapidly returning to your natural God-like powers & radically accelerating Planetary Liberation where all suffering will end sooner, thanks to you!
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
Not a 144K Member?
If you want to join this online event + regular advanced Mass Meditations, you have to be a 144K Mass Meditation Group Member.
click over to the 144K Official Recruitment site at 144k Army of Light Dot org, join, and after the short survey, you'll land on the 144K member's site
then click on 'Ground Crew Command Radio/Live Meditation Broadcasts' at the top menu bar
& you'll be taken straight to the live broadcast widget in the Member's area [BlogTalk Radio widget, with a Telegram livestream option].
The precise times for your time-zone will be emailed to you.
:- )
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.
He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.
He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com