There was massive interference for the audio version of this report on yesterday's (downloadable) episode of Ground Crew Command, that took a few minutes to clear. So that's usually an indicator (some say confirmation) that this report was 'right on the money'.
As promised, here's the text version … And leave your input in the comments section below, in case you saw & experienced more, that can add to this report & or is related to this 22nd of May period.
If you’ve been feeling like curling up into a ball (these past 2-4 days in particular) …
… or feeling like “I definitely can’t go any further … “
… or experienced major ‘off-gassing’ (release symptoms) as of this Tue afternoon/night, 22nd May – US time (so Wednesday for most outside the Americas)
… or tranquilized & made numb, with either “positivity” or anger
… then this Planetary Clearing report may explain it.
Back in Atlantis, at around the period of the 1st Archon invasion … the battle for control of the over-all energies of all planes of existence on Gaia was raging.
This was a crucial pivot-point for the planet. Either Goddess energies were to remain – as the predominant (and therefore ruling) energy, that will decide ‘how things go’ …
… or darkness energy was to gain control, through reaching its critical mass amount on all planes, to be able to increase its virulence & ‘wonkiness’ … to make things go ITS way.
One of the central & senior figures in all this, was Astara ( … derived from her Sirian name; Asta A’Ra). A very old divine feminine soul, in the form of a Sirian woman … And of course, a well recognized, legendary historical figure in the awake-aware/esoteric world.
She was the senior figure in organizing everything from energetic actions for maintaining Goddess vortexes & grids on all planes … to assigning military leaders to take on darkness of various forms, to stop them from wrecking or infecting the physical/non-physical planes with vortex reversal … dark portal opening … laying of negative grid-systems, etc, etc.
Over a 2 to 4 thousand year period, the results were mixed. Asta A’Ra achieved successes, but also failures. Part of the issue was that darkness had gained a foot-hold on the physical plane, which allowed them extra power to influence the non-physical planes.
But when the 1st Archon invasion took place 26,000 ago, which was about 2/3rds of the way into this period of time … it resulted in a classic case of overwhelm. Where the dark forces were able to gain enough presence on all the lower (non-physical) sub-planes … which allowed them to build-out the non-physical infra-structure needed to erect the proverbial Veil.
From then on … Asta A’Ra suffered mostly losses, which also resulted in herself being trapped into the incarnational cycle controlled by the Archons. And that’s when the real ‘descent into hell’ started for her … humanity … the Light Warriors she commanded … and her network of Goddesses & Goddess Temples that were working hard to maintain The Goddess … as the predominant energy that ruled Earth & Atlantis.
She LOST …
Gaia LOST …
All Divine Feminine & her Extensions (mostly in woman’s bodies) LOST …
The Divine Masculine & its extensions (mostly in men’s bodies) was Emasculated Because it Couldn’t Prevent This … So It LOST.
This TRAUMA/Event, was what has just been retrieved (in the soul-fragment sense) … shut-down … and healed …
… because, BOY; did we ever ‘bash into’ this wounding as a collective!
It ‘came up’ either during or just after the Cobra Taipei conference. Rest assured … we felt it, :-)
It explains why women (not men) were all of a sudden having heart problems, all at the same time … based on several reports from our network.
Why did such a symptom for many (Lightworker) women, come up now??
Why was it that the mother of one of my clients… and Melania Trump ended up in the hospital with kidney problems?
Yeah … that’s right, the Melania that ‘appears’ unconscious … but was wearing the ‘White Hat’ when standing next to French President Macron doing his Lucifarian hand signals.
Kidneys are where pain & fear (and some say anger) is stored.
Last week … a lot of work was done on clearing the remaining (primarily) plasma grid infra-structure. Five separate layers of grids were detected.
As the Light penetrated deeper into the plasma & physical planes … it inevitably STUNG the darkness around (and working from) the planetary trauma/event described above.
The resulting upheaval knocked all of us around.

Here’s some details on what was cleared:
the event itself (trauma of the Goddess energies & Goddess Archetype being soundly defeated)
the resulting downstream effects & ramifications on Gaia & the collective.
the resulting wounding/trauma on the divine masculine (archetypal & collective level)
the time/space event of the 1st Archon invasion (transmuted them coming through the portal they came through at that point in linear time & location in space) … Tracked back through the portal/wormhole, and transmuted their entire physical & non-physical realms at their home planet in Orion, and briefly on other occupied planets.
(Sidenote: again I have to stress, and I always repeat this through my healing work & radio show, we really do have this kind of power when you & I work with Macro Levels of Light [WAY above the Multi-Verse] … our I AM Presence … from the place of Omnipresence [simpler than you think] … with unrestrained ‘imagination’/beliefs/consciousness … projected FROM the physical plane – WITHIN our physical bodies!)
… and the soul fragment retrieval (back to Source) of all those once great Angels, now known as Archons.
… this then unleashed huge clearings, re-connections & progress with Gaia’s various grids & chakras (leylines, magnetic grids, Hartman grids, etc) on all her bodies (planes), which also required some consciousness to be focused upon … to bring in far more light.
To be frank … by the time I got to the 3rd paragraph of this report, my computer started overheating, the fan was going crazy like it never did before (so I had to stop & clear my computer) … and I got 2 number synchronicities, (5:55 & 222, then right as I finished 1202 – which always represented a variation of 2012, the actual year for the closure of the ‘hell-cycle'
… and of the commencement of mass cleansing & ascension).
Of course … to remain grounded & pragmatic about this, we’ll have to wait and see about further corroboration of all this from reliable intel sources like Sandra Walters … James Gilliland....Cobra … and your personal favorites you’ve found reliable in the past.
As always … the irony is that this might (depending on where you’re at with your internal state & level of consciousness/programing) … this may STING anything ‘that’s not truly YOU’ … far more, and will force it up for sure.
So if you’re not using robust enough resources/non-physical help in clearing them, or for many of you … to make that mindset shift into knowing & TRUSTING that all will be well … you’re going to be ok … that it’s all in Higher-Self/Divine right order – planning – and timing … and remaining in a state of resistance to this MASS detoxing (which btw; includes your current spiritual paradigm/programs) … then it will only get worse, until it gets better.
So please connect with your Higher-Self & I AM Presence for guidance.
Be prepared for some unexpected answers (often in the form of ‘fleeting’, or consistent thoughts/images) … that may upset the programmed egoic consciousness … and some major heart chakra opening at a whole new level.
….more later this week....
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to:
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